GPM Environmental Services
Admin Water Products Work!
Testing at the City of Tahlequah ad the City of Porum in Oklahoma.
Testing done at Tahlequah and Porum Oklahoma (plus numerous other plants in Oklahoma), prove how effective ADMIN works through the whole system - from the raw side through the finished side, and even lasting throughout the distribution system.
Iron Test results using Hach TNT 885 Test Tubes:
Filter Side
Results At - Raw Side Removal
41% 5 PPM of ADMIN Dose 0.060 0.035
63% 20 PPM of ADMIN Dose 0.060 0.022
Manganese Test Results:
Filter Side
Results At - Raw Side Removal
43% 5 PPM 0.032 .018
62% 20 PPM 0.032 .012
Algae Removal test results:
After jar testing where some algae was present, these algae's were killed and dropped to the bottom of the jar from 5 PPM to 25 PPM.
Below is a very simple test to show how effective ADMIN fights corrosion. You will need Two (2) 3 gram shells and Two (2) rusty bolts. Drop one of each in a small jar of ADMIN, and one of each in a Phosphate blend.
Results –
ADMIN 3 gram shell - completely gone in approximately Six (6) minutes
Rusty Bolt - clean and rust free in 30 minutes
Phosphate 3 gram shell - still the same size after several months
Rusty Bolt - still rusted after several months
TTHM reduction results from Accurate Lab in Tulsa, Oklahoma:
Results –
40% to 80% reduction of TTHMs by using ADMIN
After introducing ADMIN to the water system, customers locally have noticed the water tasting as good as bottled water.
We began using ADMIN on the Finished Side only, in December 2012. We are now testing the Raw Side to help with problems such as Algae, Iron and Manganese, Taste and Odor. We are very happy with the Raw Side test results.
At first, we were concerned that if we starting injecting ADMIN on the Raw Side, we would not have enough chemical strength to fight TTHMs and corrosion out in the distribution system. But, by using the Hach Phosver 3 Test Reagent, we found we could track ADMIN’s strength. At Tahlequah, we found after being in the Raw Side 3 hours, we still had 95% strength left in ADMIN to go out in the distribution.
Give us a call and see how ADMIN can work for you!